Winners of the #ColorOfLove Blog Hop @EmpiBaryeh @KiruTaye @NanaPrah


First of all I want to say a huge thank you to all the authors and bloggers who made donations and signed up for the Color of Love blog hop, and then to all lovers or IR/MC romance who stopped by to take part in the hop by leaving comments and taking part in the rafflecopter promotion. This hop wouldn’t have been a success without all of you.

A special shout out to everyone who stopped by my blog and left a comment or followed me on Facebook or Twitter. I don’t want to brag or anything, but I'm thrilled about the results, so THANK YOU.

Please remember to check out my updates, especially since I am more than half way done on my current WIP.

And  now, it’s time to announce winners of my blog prize!

Okay, so I said my blog prize was a $10 gift card, right? Well, I have changed my mind (in a good way, so keep reading). In honour of US Thanksgiving Day, I've decided to give one additional prize! Since random(dot)org picked a winner from the rafflecopter, I decided to add an additional prize of a $5 amazon GC to one of the three people who followed me on Twitter, Liked my FB fan page and left me a comment.

And winners are...

Winner of $10 Amazon Gift Card*

Shelley Summers

Winner of $5 Amazon Gift Card*

Belinda Green

*prize can be traded in for a gift card from All Romance E-Books, Evernight Publishing or Black Opal Books.

Winners of the blog hop prizes will be announced by Monday, so if you didn't win on my blog, keep your fingers crossed.


 Congratulations to all the winners, and happy Thanksgiving.




  1. Congratulations Shelly and Belinda.

  2. Wow! Congratulations Shelly and Belinda. Spend your gift cards with relish.

  3. Thank you ladies! I'm so excited. What a nice surprise! I'm so looking forward to buying more books. This is a fix for a card carrying bookaholic! The hop was fun!

    Thank you again! :-)


  4. You are most welcome. I happy reading and may you TBR Pile gain more titles :-)


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