Paperback vs E-book vs Audiobook

Close your eyes and think about books - the way they feel, the way they smell ... think about how cool it would be to live in a bookshop. sigh.

Yes. I confess. I'm one of those readers. I think "new book" should be made into a fragrance for cars. The most compelling argument for paperbacks was from a friend. She said she still prefers reading and carrying them around because people see her reading, which would hopefully encourage them to pick up a book too or strike a conversation. When you're reading from an electronic device, it isn't always glaring that you're reading. So that's one woman's personal mission to encourage reading.

My reluctant transition from paperbacks to ebooks happened at a point when I travelled a lot for work and carrying books added to my limited luggage allowance. The lower ebook pricing also meant I could buy more books with the same amount of money. More books is always a good thing for a book lover.

In addition, I love the fact that I can highlight favourite lines. I cannot stand it when people make notes in printed books. With ebooks, you can remove the highlight anytime you want and the page is good as new. So, yea, there are things to love about ebooks.

Then audiobooks began to trend. I saw the value in audiobooks, but in a limited way - e.g. for visually impaired book lovers, but I never thought I'd be listening to audiobooks on a regular basis. I imagined I'd zone out or just hate the fact that the narrators weren't reading in my accent or my voice.

Ladies and gentlemen, I was wrong.

Lately, I've been listening to more audiobooks since I now have to drive myself to and from work (a minimum of 45minutes each way). Since I can't read ebooks while driving, I ended up trying out a couple of audiobooks and now I'm hooked. I realised that narrators don't just read - they perform. Some are better than others, but audiobooks give a different experience.

As you may know (or in case you don't), my book Chancing Faith is available in audiobook format. If you have the ebook already, you can get the audiobook at half-price (on audible). His Inherited Princess is also now available as an audiobook and I can't get enough of it. I'm calling in love all over again with my hero and heroine. 

Anyway, after that shameless self promotion, I'll get to the point. Since I'm getting more reading in through audiobooks, I've concluded that there might be more people who need audiobooks, because ... Life. 

So I'd love to know about you. E-book, Paperback, audiobook. Which do you prefer and why? Also, would you buy an audiobook of a story you've already read or own in a different format?  



  1. Over the years I've made a similar transition from paperback to ebooks to audiobooks. But to be honest I still buy books in all three formats. So there isn't a preferred format for me. Just depends on my mood and available reading time. And if I love a book so much I actually buy the same book in all three formats so I can interchange how I read it. Crazy, right. LOL

    1. I've found myself buying the ebook and audiobook so I can alternate between the two. It's probably more for convenience, especially when I can get the audio at a discount on audible after getting the ebook. I've eventually bought the paperback as well for my absolute favourites, so I know what you mean.


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