I'd collapse a thousand times | #SexySnippets #IRRomance

Hi folks! I know I haven't been consistent with my sexy snippets. Bear with me (mother of two toddlers) - I have to sneak away to achieve any writing or blogging. Sometimes my escape doesn't go as planned. 

This week, I got into a conversation about one of my old titles, Chancing Faith, and I fell in love all over again with this very sweet IR romance.

Do you like to see the hero in a vulnerable position? That's what I did, by inflicting mine with a bout of Malaria :-), which forced my heroine to nurse him to health. Here's a bit of what happens.

I hope you enjoy this snippet!

Slowly, they rose up and made their way back to the couch more steadily than she could have hoped for. 
Settling him down, she sat by his side, concern pervading her every pore. “How are you feeling?” 
He cursed softly. “Like I’m floating.”  
I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you—” 
“Kiss you?” His lips stretched out faintly. “I’d collapse a thousand times to kiss you again.” 
His words roused all those wicked thoughts in her mind again, even though she wasn’t about to let him try. 
He must have seen her guilty expression. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Did you enjoy the snippet? Leave me a comment.

Get to know my characters with with this hot seat interview with my heroine.

If you've read Chancing Faith, tell me what your favourite scene was.


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Check out the other fab authors sharing sexy snippets this week 



  1. So glad to have you back, and don't worry. Life happens, we all know that. Love these snippets :-)

  2. Hahaha. Yes, I love a vulnerable hero. And malaria is debilitating especially for a non-native. Great snippet.


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