Happy Valentine's Day #SexySnippet from Most Eligible Bachelor #ValentineRomance

Happy Sunday!
It's the month of love, so I decided that for the rest of the month, I'd share snippets from my debut novel, Most Eligible Bachelor, a romance kindled on Valentine's Day. Until the end of the month, I'll share snippets leading up the the first kiss (I love first kisses 🌝).

She turned away from his watchful gaze, focusing on other couples huddled close together on the dance floor. Yearning pierced her heart. She gave herself a mental shake. She couldn’t entertain such thoughts. Once she did, there would be no salvation.

As if sensing her distress, Lord pulled her closer, his hold tightening around her. Every thought flittered out of her mind as soon as their gazes locked, and she began to drown in the deep pools of his dark eyes.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Chantelle.”

If you enjoyed this snippet, get to know my hero more. Check out this hot seat Interview with Lord McKenzie.

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Check out the other fab writers sharing sexy snippets this week.


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